Fulfill the Promise of Analytics

Extra licensing costs. Inadequate bolted-on software. Processing delays. Unclear results and value.
There are a lot of reasons why the promise of analytics have felt empty and unfulfilled.
We built Sightline to remove the barriers and harness analytics to help case teams be smarter and more efficient.

Analytics Included

Smarter Reviews. Just in Time.

Software should make the case team smarter and more informed. Sightline fulfills the promise of analytics by informing the case team when other documents ought to be kept in the same assignment batches, and define the optimized sort order of documents – using analytics – in order to promote coding speed and coding consistency to minimize QC cleanup headaches.

Smarter Search Results

Search results in Sightline are designed with efficiency in mind.  Informing the case team of documents related to pure search hits that can be reviewed together to optimize coding speed and coding quality.

Your Search Results1076 Docs That Met Your Criteria 508 Threaded Documents2857 Near Duplicates28 Family Members3036 Conceptually Similar

Action Similar Documents

At the moment of actioning a set of documents, Sightline recommends related documents (family members, e-mail threaded docs & textual near duplicates) to include so case teams are better informed and more efficient.Action Like Documents

Optimized Sorting of Documents for Review

For faster review speeds, all email records and their children should be reviewed together along with textual near dupes.  Sightline allows for optimized sorting of the review order so documents can be reviewed in context – reducing cost without compromising comprehension.

Without Optimized SortWith Optimized Sort

Analytics Superpowers Not Included

Analytics tools can be activated in the document review experience, providing reviewers with ability to review and code more efficiently.

Show. Don’t Tell.

From personalized dashboards to customized, self-service reports, Sightline features in-the-moment visualizations that engage and tell the data’s story.

Review Progress Illustration

See the velocity of your review

End to End Illustration

See your project, end-to-end

Total Review Progress Illustration

Understand progress on assignments or batches

Audio Hit Illustration

Expose phonetic hits in audio files and jump right to the heart of the conversation

Thread Map Illustration

Understand entire email threads in a moment

Bridge the Platform Divide

Early Case Exploration + Powerful Analytics + Complete Review.  One Platform.

Bridge the Platform Divide with Early Case Exploration + Powerful Analytics + Complete Review

Linear review or early case assessment? Investigation or contract review? Until now, users have had to choose between disparate, disconnected technologies based on the specific needs of the matter and the anticipated workflows.  This division between platforms complicates workflows, introduces delays and frustrations while adding to a matter’s costs.

Sightline is different by design.  By integrating ECA, a complete review experience and powerful analytics into a single, unified platform, you now only log in once to investigate, analyze, review and produce documents to support the full matter lifecycle.

Ready to learn more?

Request a demo of Sightline or discuss how to get started with a Consilio Sightline Solutions Expert.