Sightline for ECA / Data Exploration

With document collections ever increasing in size, how you start an eDisclosure project often determines whether you finish on time and under budget. Sightline fully integrates ECA tools in a unified platform so case teams can cull more, prioritize smarter and get off to a better start.

Analytics Included

The Power of the Non-Responsive Cull

Significantly reduce the review population — cutting expense while maintaining the quality of you work product.

In this world of habitual over-collection, case teams need powerful tools that help reduce the review population. The more documents you cull, the lower the review cost. Sightline’s interactive data exploration tools, like Tally, Timeline Report and Communication Explorer, provide the ability to narrow your document corpus by any metadata or work product field and remove non-responsive documents before your review even starts.

Use the Tally report to identify and act on document sets by filetype or any other attribute.

Simply Tally by file type or other attributes to find and select portions of docs that are likely non-responsive and folder them for removal.

Filter for inclusion or exclusion based on any attribute

Narrow your focus to specific dates, custodians, email addresses or other fields to find the records of potential interest.

View and act on time-data data using the Timeline report

Present your data in an interactive Timeline report to find and select records created within desired date range/s.

Understanding is Step One

What do I have in my documents? It is the question asked in every eDisclosure matter. Sightline lets you explore your data with interactive investigatory tools — to improve understanding, aid in culling and enable prioritization — before you start your review.

Plan for an Efficient Review

Sightline improves efficiency by enabling case teams to find and remove nonresponsive material, identify collection gaps early on, and find more documents like those you know to be valuable.


Cull More Nonresponsive Material

Create any variety of pivot reports to find material that can be set aside as nonresponsive.


Perfect Your Searches

Compare search variations to perfect your queries that will drive downstream review, identify nonresponsive material and help you prioritize your workflows.


Identify Gaps in Collections

Identify gaps in your collections for periods of interest and communicate with confidence.


Find Other Valuable Documents Quickly

Leverage the responsive material you’ve already uncovered to Find More Like Those using Sightline’s built-in Categorization tool.

Ready to learn more?

Request a demo of Sightline or discuss how to get started with a Consilio Sightline Solutions Expert.